Thursday, March 16, 2006


social networks
theory + readings

next week: online dating, trying to find people

what will social networking sites look like in 15 years?
how to make more sophisticated design choices

laszlo barabasi - physical / mathematical models of social networks
grounded in scientific theory
how to adapt and apply the model?

how do you find things about people that you wouldnt otherwise
develop network of people around one particular interest
connection through lifestyles
disconnection over time and location --
now we're all 'connected' and in a continuum

how do the number of personal correspondants change over time?
active network (current correspondence) versus inactive network (you knew them at some time) versus unknown strangers

'interesting' people to you, usually within 2 degrees (friend-of-friend)
beyond 3 degrees, it gets pretty random

people change in parallel ways
someone you reconnect with after knowing each other in elementary school
still feel 'close'

how do we keep boundaries between different parts of our lives?
multi-faced identity
work, family, hobby, you play a role throughout
change of context, assuming the accepted behaviour
understand how the information flows

interest commonalities - but then diverging interests
ex. you know someone through one thing, but then learn about new things through that friend (i.e. friend from work now knows about salsa dancing)
transformative knowledge and dentity through networks
political transformation - how do opinions spread?
one-by-one, the idea flows through the network

alea - "dancing"
salsa clubs
social circles expand
salsa x tango

barabasi - infinitely scalable networks
take a generic graph
look the number of connections
resembles a gaussian curve

real social networks - power curve
nodes are not generic in how many links they have
some people are super-connected
some have very few connections
# of friends - not evenly distributed
super-connectors are the 'hubs'
bridges - connect the big circles
- one person that the milgrim letters tended to be sent to

common interest is a focus - hobby, work, book

feld - potential for more connection but people have constraints on time and resources, need to manage your contact relationships

what are resources that ppl have for adding contacts?
first year in grad school versus someone who has a saturated schedule

what is the potential of the nodes? what about foci?

dynamics - how much do people want to be the go-between? who, and why, to share ideas and people, to create change?

impression management, you tailor your approach depending on the kind of people you're communicating with, and also display what kind of person they are

*how do people display these connections?*

name-dropping in the acknowledgments: subtle signaling connection through a gesture of thank-you
acknowledgments versus bibliography - 2-way mutual connection versus 1-way connection (and it's public, accountable responsibility)

display people of a network implicit

displaying photographs or names of people

honestly friends with famous people? or just 'official' photos that mean nothing?
in personal photographs, it's 'social' marketing, to give evidence that you were at particular places with particular people
- cost to maintain honesty of the signal

cue vs signal : a signal is more apt to be deceptive

jeff - 'parties'
number of population: large (popular), small (exclusive)
deceptive - lie about some particular draw beforehand

next gen social networking
what is the function of the party host?
dinner party salon-style?
how do you directly introduce people?
giving interesting people a reason to meet each other - how to scope out who is connected to this one event

what should stick in someone's mind versus explicit declaration

sites are to help you comprehend or access complicated information
make design decisions to help people help themselves
do not constrain people's behaviour explicitly, allow interesting freedoms

effort = cost
how do you connect the people?
profile = existence

how do you draw a social network?
weak vs strong bonds
different facets of communities

modern society is rich with
have your support networks, help each other out
support people are the ones in which you rely on
you give, you receive
how do you rely on people?

high cost connections - having trust, reliable
cost of social connection, or by service fees

milgrim - how do we navigate through a social world?
familiar strangers, how to interact with people in public, in private communities

letter experiment
interesting perception of major connectors

doing the experiment is a favour - bother someone
who am i going to ask to do a favour
what does it mean to pass a favour on through a network?
want to avoid chain letter syndrome - pyramid scheme?

six degrees of separation (movie)
claims to be a friend of the prep school son
can offer small tidbits of knowledge
true story about con-artist
- the power of using these knowledge negotiations to build trust

david buss, evolutionary psychologist
dating relationships
women look for security, men look for short-term relationships
mismatched signals lead to deceptive practices

dating sites: competitive element
want to beat out all the others who are vying for attractive targets
what is the optimal amount of lying that you can put on a dating profile?
how do people read the profile?
read between the lines, what does what one say or not say mean? how do you interpret or negotiate the differences? what are cues to make insights about the other person?
holding back a home phone number: they have another relationship to hide vs wanting privacy before gaining trust

what do you want? how do you filter it through your profile expression?
negotiate, articulate, what words mean, what effect it gives off

reputation as a 'dating' partner?
you dont necessarily want a multitude of 'recommendations'
- gossip to spread useful information
- keep people accountable

gifts, gift relationships, gifting signals


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